Writer’s Nook~A Corner to Share Information, Links and Resources for Writers

By Coralie Raia Darsery-Malloy
This Writer’s Nook for Writers Blog shares information and helpful resource links for others progressing along their writing road. The Coralie Raia Writing Road board on Pinterest(link below) has ever increasing numbers of informative boards with ideas and links that support our path. I am always interested in connecting with all writers as our process requires some solitary confinement to get the ideas down.

Here are some networking links for writers on writing:
OM Times is a social networking forum and it is a wonderful site for writers.

Writer’s Nook at Calgary Public Library

The National Writing Union provides information that writer’s need to know.

Writer’s Digest…another good website with information on every aspect of writing.
PubMatch Mission Statement:

To create a worldwide community for the publishing industry that encourages the creation of business relationships and the worldwide spreading of ideas. PubMatch will facilitate communication, data warehousing and the simplification of rights marketing for publishers, agents, authors and others, making it the go-to place for the international publishing community to find new titles and new talent.


As writers we truly do struggle to seek and provide a sense of coherence in our offerings.

As writers we truly do struggle to seek and provide a sense of coherence in our offerings.

As a professional writer and author this is the best advice I have been given...and give to aspiring writers too.

As a professional writer and author this is the best advice I have been given…and give to aspiring writers too.

The ideas I stand for are not mine.

I borrowed them from Socrates.

I swiped them from Chesterfield.

I stole them from Jesus.

And I put them in a book.

If you don’t like their rules…whose would you use?


Whatever you can do,

Or dream you can…begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.


Anything that the human mind

can conceive…and believe…it can achieve.

          –NAPOLEON HILL

Women, Inner Strength and Empowerment

A strong woman has faith for the journey and that each challenge will strengthen her.

A strong woman has faith for the journey and that each challenge will strengthen her.

Strong women turn can'ts into cans and dreams into plans.

Strong women turn can’ts into cans and dreams into plans.

Woman, strength empowerment

This is for all the strong women, who have been through a lot in life and survived and I am among them. We are strong because we acknowledge my weakness. We are  compassionate because we experience suffering and have empathy. Strong sisters are  surviving  and thriving  because they heal, become whole and turn scars into stars. This sisterhood is full of spiritual warriors of all ages. They are wise because they have been fools and are able to  laugh because they know the face of sadness. Within our “sisterness”, we are open to love even when we lose it. . Empowered women weather the storms then dance in the rain. Some dance in  bare feet, others in sandals, some in spiky heels and country gals like me we dance in our boots.

Sometimes we must undergo hardships, breakups, and narcissistic wounds, which shatter the flattering image that we had of ourselves, in order to discover two truths: that we are not who we thought we were; and that the loss of a cherished pleasure is not necessarily the loss of true happiness and well-being. In the process of learning to know, accept and love herself on all levels of her being…body, mind, spirit, emotional and energy fields.

Strong women  focus on their   personal growth and self-awareness, experiences a life, increasingly filled with peace, love, joy, passion and follows their bliss as joyful adventures. . Those living within the energy of the Feminine Divine are  those who understand and accept  that they have an  unlimited capacity to make their passions happen. Goddess directed people whether male or female are  inspired to give to those around her out of her sense of gratitude and abundance.







May God/Goddess bless you infinitely!

•. ¸. • ‘(¯ `♥ ♥’¯)..
******.` •. ¸. •

Website With 100 Titles With Divergent Titles About Women

Confident women believe in themselves even when others do not.

Confident women believe in themselves even when others do not.

Strong women are empowered and walk in beauty and balance.

Strong women are empowered and walk in beauty and balance.




I found a great website(see below) that lists 100 book titles that say something about what it is to be a woman.  These include fiction, historical works, practical wisdom, social criticism, and philosophy texts.  I thought it would be interesting and helpful to post this.  Enjoy!

The Essential Woman’s Library


Women Are Unique Expressions of Divine Feminine Energy with Video

The attributes of women freely embracing their Inner Goddess and expressing it.

The attributes of women freely embracing their Inner Goddess and expressing it.

Embracing the Divine Feminine Within Every Woman

Embracing the Divine Feminine Within Every Woman

Ask Teal Website – http://www.askteal.com

Divine feminine does not need to be cultivated or created within us as women. It is us. It is the essence of our choice to come into this life as women. And so, it is an ever-present energy that is always there.

Divine feminine energy represents these aspects within the universe, Restoration, life, renewal, creation, birth, healing, receptivity, openness, motherhood, nurturing, love, understanding, compassion, insight, intuition, wisdom, forgiveness, the moon, connection, harmony and sensuality.

To allow the divine feminine within ourselves to surface, we need to search for these aspects within ourselves. You will find that you are more in touch with some aspects of your divine feminine nature and less in touch with others. For example, you may be fully in touch with your own sensuality but not in touch with motherhood. If this is the case, expressing the divine feminine within you, means connecting with and expressing the latent motherhood within you in your own unique way.

It is understandable how in today’s world, many of us would have suppressed these energies in order to cope with modern day life. For example, it is difficult to allow the softness of receptive compassion into our life when we are expected to maintain competitive careers in the work place. But our health depends on making the space in our lives to allow these inherent qualities to surface.

Our Womanhood is unique. Every woman is a unique expression of the divine feminine. Coming into alignment with the divine feminine within us is not about conforming to an archetypal idea of what divine feminine is or isn’t. It is about releasing the things that disallow our own unique feminine essence from radiating through us. It is about reclaiming who we really are.

In this video presentation  Teal explains how we, as women, can open up to the divine feminine within us.

Links to Books discussed in this video:

Woman Code – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009…

The Artists Way – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1585…

Getting Off – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004…

Redefining Masculinity and Aligning to the Masculine Divine

Patriarchy creates stereotypical expectations for men and limit the ability to express the full range of human emotion.

Patriarchy creates stereotypical expectations for men and limit the ability to express the full range of human emotion.

Kuan Yin’s Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel – used by permission http://www.sacreddream.com

Opening to a balance within the Masculine and Feminine Divine assists men in becoming more of who they truly are.

Opening to a balance within the Masculine and Feminine Divine assists men in becoming more of who they truly are.

The divine masculine is what is going to support the birth process of the new earth, which is being brought into manifestation by divine feminine. Thus, the new earth is a co-creation that depends on divine feminine and divine masculine both coming into its full respective power.

In our modern society, masculinity has been seen as a problem rather than something that should be embraced, because it is rare that any man exhibits true masculinity.

The only example of masculinity we currently have is the shadow side of masculinity. This shadow side of masculinity fuels the societal idea of competitive hierarchy. In other words, it fuels the idea that one person on top of another person.

The shadow side of masculinity perpetuates vertical thinking. Vertical thinking is comparative thinking; where it is possible to be better than or less than someone else. And so, the power struggle was born.

Divine masculine represents action, direction, movement, responsibility, strength, focus, fatherhood, the sun, generosity, encouragement, material abundance, clarity, intellect, transformation and growth.

The divine masculine is what is going to support the birth process of the new earth, which is being brought into manifestation by divine feminine. Thus, the new earth is a co-creation that depends on divine feminine and divine masculine both coming into its full respective power.

You need to be willing to heal your negative emotions relative to anything you identify as male to set the masculinity within you free. It is exhausting suppressing the essence of who you are. And so, it is time to quit suppressing who you are.

In this session, Teal explains how men can open up to the divine masculine within themselves.http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPDBOLJyHAL69fsFpY7li6Q?feature=mhee

We have a Masculine Divine Board at CD Creative Ventures’s Pinterest Profile and here is the link:

Goddesses, Gender Balance and Equality

This symbol represents the balanced flow of energy in shadow, light, masculine and feminine. One cannot exist without the other and balance between the two is the ideal.

This symbol represents the balanced flow of energy in shadow, light, masculine and feminine. One cannot exist without the other and balance between the two is the ideal.

Embracing the Feminine and Masculine Divine Equally assists humanity in achieving inner/outer balance, peace and harmony.

Embracing the Feminine and Masculine Divine Equally assists humanity in achieving inner/outer balance, peace and harmony.

By Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy

All rights reserved. Feel free to share this information with respect for the original source. Thank you.

In my view of Goddesses, they are the female aspect of The Divine that holds equal power. The Feminine Divine reveals her energy in a gentle, receptive way. In the symbol of Yin/Yang Goddesses are the receptive, inner aspects whereas the Yang and masculine energy directs energy outward.  Balance is central to yin and yang. The Tai Chi Tu presents these energies in a circle of balance. The circle illustrates a point on the point on the other side where one side equalizes the other within life changes.

The Yin/Yang symbol is a reminder that anyone can develop the skills to remain in balance and live in this world…but not “of” it.Taoist texts speak of “living life in the round.” The “round” refers to the circle, which encompasses the yin and yang energies. Living life in the round” means being comfortable with the flow of energy as it passes through one phase and then the other. Knowledge of the cyclical process of events liberates us from an unbalanced view of the world.

Balance is central to yin and yang. The Tai Chi Tu presents these energies in a state of balance. The Divine order within creation involves balance and applies to gender equality.  When that is absent with emphasis on male dominance problems arise. Historically China and India have aborted female babies and consequently there is a shortage of women to marry. Gender and spiritual equality assists men in women in their respective ability to work together and create new generations. Similarily, Yin and yang transforms each othe like the undertow oceans. The ebb and flow advances and retreats and the rise and fall of energy is a natural process.

In nature, seeds sprout and grow upwards. This process is the yang movement.  Once it reaches full potential, it retreats and the roots grow in darkness and eventually seek like and the process begins again.

It is a similar process with the interconnection within the Masculine and Feminine Divine. Embracing both aspects within one’s spiritual development assists both genders in reaching higher potentials, balance and inner harmony.  Within changing social norms anyone having difficulty accepting strong empowered women are ones who see them as equal.

In my view, patriarchal religions refusing to accept the roles Goddesses throughout have an innate difficulty with female power. After divorcing my first husbandin 1970 Gloria Steinem, Helen Reddy and Helen Gurley Brown were poineers in the Feminist Movement.After growing up in a male dominated family with a an enabling mother their message of equality provided nourishment for my empoverished spirit. It was my first awakening to equality and how strong, empowered women can also embrace their innate feminine power.

A few years later, I began a quest to understand the historical roots of Goddesses and the significant roles they play in other cultures from then to present time. The spiritual teachings and energy within the Divine Feminine is gentle within the Power and continues to guide my path. With a higher comfort, level under my own skin there is greater opportunity to experience inner shifts and expanded thinking. The Divine Feminine fostered a sisterhood with other women and soul sisters along my discovery trails.

The Feminist Movement inspired and continues to inspire women around the world to work together for the common good of the all. The original focus states the intent of equal rights for all without gender bias. The Feminine Divine energy balances. It gently guides men and women to explore the full range of their humanity without censuring either aspect through outside definers. Embracing the Feminine Divine does not emasculate men or have them more like women. Rather, the goal is to have both genders strong and empowered as they balance the Masculine and Feminine Divine within.

After studying the historical and spiritual significance of Goddesses and their role in many religions around the world, they are conspicuously absent in the three main religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The feminine aspect of the Godhead in Hinduism and their doctrine s underscore the power and purpose of Goddesses.

I am a self-avowed feminist and so is my husband David. We are also pro-women pro-men and are activists for human rights and gender equality. After growing into my own power through the feminist movement, the focus of my writing reflected the importance of women taking their power back. As we do so there is a balancing effect and David and I believe in the efficacy of equality for the greater good. e David understands and accepts their importance in the spiritual development of both genders and we work together sharing this perspective.

Looking at history (“her-story”) and the roles of Goddesses makes for intriguing study and research. For us it is on going. Once women…and men open to the powerful gifts Goddesses bring they enjoy a greater sense of wholeness that comes through the subtle grace of the Divine Feminine within. All of humankind is all a cell in the body of Goddess and She dances with our every breath.

Feminism is not a rebellion or a revolt. Rather, it promotes the truth that people are equal and are entitled to basic human rights. Although hmanity has come a long way since the Feminist Movement started it is clear that acceptance of women in power and the norm over the exception is still not there.

David and I walk our spiritual paths in quietness and plant seeds about the significant roles of the Divine Feminine. We post on social media, write and produce course material with this perspective in subtle ways. We are confident in the knowing that both genders are opening to softer, gentle energy and in our view that is the evidence that Goddesses are here and there time to be heard will come. At that time gender, race, creed, culture and religious acceptance will become the new order. Respect for differences is the key to meeting on common ground and developing unity and consensus through respectful dialog whether we agree or not.

Whenever anyone heals their life and feel whole it is easier to look back, ahead, move forward and live a more conscious life. Personally, my spiritual journey with Goddesses continues to uplift, guide, heal and inspire me to live the best life possible. I have more energy to give back to others in nurturing, compassionate ways and I am thankful for Her presence in my life every moment of every day. The transformational re-births while standing on firmer ground.

The energy of Goddesses assists us in seeing beyond what pain is and what it brings forth. That allows us to grow, emerge and fly free like the beautiful butterflies we are all mean to be. The balancing aspect of embracing both the Masculine and Feminine Divine removes bias and assists with the acceptance of differences in others. With the blessings of the Divine Sacred Mother, we are free and express more of whom we already are rather than comparing, judging or justifying.

In my healing and spiritual journey, I am at a place where I know I am more than just a woman as are others. Within the respective roles of mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, beloved or friend there is a sisterhood. The ability to open to Divine Goddesses assists us in connecting to the Oneness. The perceived differences that once created polarized thinking and positions dissolve within the light and love of Source-Centered awareness.

Within my personal and spiritual healing journey, it is clear that each person is an important part of a co-creative force. It consistently seeks self-expression and we are the conduits.  Human beings are a Divine spark and conduit for Creator’s energy. I respect those who choose to gain wisdom and develop spiritually in a male dominated doctrine but it never fit for me from a very young age. The questioning mind wondered where Mrs. God was…and now I know. Within my spiritual emergence, it is clear that I came into this life at this time in a female body for growth and transformational change.

As a woman, I am in the position to nurture and assist others in discovering the power, beauty and love within the Goddesses and their unique energetic imprint. There is growing awareness of the importance of the Divine Feminine and her more prominent return. She is here to assist us through changing times and difficult passages. She knows that intransient polarizing positions are counter-productive.

For humanity to move forward we all need to work together for the highest and greatest good of the all. The Great Mother energy is nurturing, wise, courageous, strong and empowering. Those of us embracing her power wield energy as spiritual warriors using swords of intent to cut through ties that bind us to outdated mindsets rather than using violence in self-serving ways. . The activation of the Goddess within is an awakening. She is here to liberate, emancipate and assist us in the ascension process of thinking that is more enlightened, living and BE-ing.

For more information about Goddessess and the Feminine Divine check my other sources and offerings on Blogspot.


I also have a Goddess group on on One Vibration:

Goddesses and The Feminine Divine

By Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy

Aligning with Goddess and the Feminine Divine consistently expands my awareness and now I walk my sacred path in balance and beauty.

Aligning with Goddess and the Feminine Divine consistently expands my awareness and now I walk my sacred path in balance and beauty. [caption id="attachment_523" align="alignnone" width="300"]Goddess  is within the all and we are One. Goddess is within the all and we are One.

The Feminine Divine is equal to the Masculine but Her attributres are different.

The Feminine Divine is equal to the Masculine but Her attributres are different.

When Goddess speaks her voice is a soft whisper.

When Goddess speaks her voice is a soft whisper.

Most women instinctively know that she is at the center of this great mystery of bringing life into the world. The feminine aspect of our spiritual nature is a co-creative process within the  sacred transformation of light into matter. Every woman intuitively knows that nothing can be born without the energy contained within the Feminine Divine.  The evidence of her presence is everywhere. When we have the eyes to see Her she is there… in  the beauty of the green earth, white moon,  stars and within the magnetic mystery  of  water.   When we walk our sacred path and ask the Divine Feminine’s alignment, she comes in profound ways. come unto me.  From her all things proceed and until they return.  In our woman-to-woman connections, our hearts rejoice. 

Our sisterhood  rituals and ceremonies draw us together in unity, peace and harmony.  Here we open to the  beauty and strength, power, compassion, honor and humility and we open to the Sacred Goddess aspect within everyone…both male and female. Within the divine being of nurturing love and bright light, both genders become a conduit of the Divine Mother in openness, trust and love.  The unity and Oneness provides  healing and mutual support as we  look back, move forward, see and learn.  

Whenever we embrace the Divine Feminine the energy it  provides inner strength and balance. From this place of empowerment and individuality we stand on firm ground as spiritual warrior women. We do not use our swords of intention for war or personal gain. Spiritual warrior women wield their power  energy to sever old ties that bind through polarized thinking and create inequality. The goal of empowered women is to achieve human rights for all without censoring their right to choose their religion, path and culture.

Women to women  sisterhood connection assist men and women develop unity and oneness remaining One with each other and ourselves.

Within our respective roles as mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts and grandmothers, we are loved and loving.  Our bonds assist us in seeing beyond the pain and give us the strength to continue and learn our lessons in truth. In openness, trust and love we are able to  surrender  and trust the process of our emergence. 

The innate energy of Sacred Mother Source’s energy always loves. When we emulate and channel unconditional love and light it frees us from  unencumbered by conditioned thinking.

The gift comes as we are FREE—to BE…you and me with respect for differences. Enlightened thinkers seek and find common ground within the diversity and life. As we do, our consciousness ascends  to a resonant place  filled with love, purpose and peace.

 Divine love from my Heart Flame and blesses all Life as it passes by.

♥ ● ¸. ★ °:. *. Light ○ ° ★☾ . *:. *. ° ○ °.. *.☾° Divine Love *♥¸ . ☾ °☆. • * ¨ `* • Grace ¸. * ● ¸*♥¸ . ☾ °☆. • * ¨Glory `* •  ¸. * ● ¸*♥Beauty¸ . ☾ °☆. • * ¨ Victory `* •  ¸. * ●

David and I created this slide show through CD Creative Ventures. It illustrates the role of the Feminine Godhead and female deities throughout time. We are given the right to choose our path, grow the soul. Embracing the powerful, equal but different aspects of the Feminine Divine is yet another.

For more information about the Goddesses and The Feminine Divine join us on Pinterest and a focus board on the above. Here is the link:

Respecting Diversity Within Spiritual Belief Systems

By Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy

There are many pathways to spiritual enlightment and it is not our place to judge the right of free will to seek and discover truth whether others agree or not.

There are many pathways to spiritual enlightment and it is not our place to judge the right of free will to seek and discover truth whether others agree or not.

CD Creative Ventures is the umbrella banner for all our other entrepreneural endeavors.

CD Creative Ventures is the umbrella banner for all our other entrepreneural endeavors.

CD Creative Ventures is the umbrella banner we use for our various projects. Together, David and co-create videos and slide shows that illustrate our spiritual perspectives in a variety of areas. We strive for unity within diversity and continue to spiritual knowledge from different sources. It assists us in remembering that the more we think we know how it highlights how little we actually “know.” Life is an ever changing fabric with changing patterns and shifting times. Many who embark on spiritual paths are motivated in different ways. Some of us want to know the unknowable, others want to know themselves; still others want to know everything. Some people want transformations, others want miracles, or to relieve suffering and leave the world a better place.

There are a variety of spiritual teachings that reveal commonalities in everything from Wicca, Buddhism, Christianity, Paganism when people look for the common threads. Einstein pointed out that the spiritual paths of the future will transcend a personal God and avoid dogma and theology. He also believed they would cover the natural and spiritual and arise from the experience of all things within a meaningful unity rather than polarizing differences.

Those who embark and seek higher knowledge are usually motivated to do so for reasons and that are personal to them. Some of want to explore energy, the cause and effect through metaphysical study. Ohers wish to know themselves; still others seek transformation, others are looking for healing, miracles, or to relieve suffering and leave the world a better place.

There are a variety of spiritual teachings that reveal commonalities in everything from Wicca, Buddhism, Christianity, Paganism when people look for the common threads. Einstein pointed out that the spiritual paths of the future will transcend a personal God and avoid dogma and theology. He also believed they would cover the natural and spiritual and arise from the experience of all things within a meaningful unity rather than polarizing differences.

Our spiritual perspective videos reflect ideas from a variety of teachings and they illustrate some of the common threads in all of them. The prevailing theme in all is the emphasis on love, unity and respect for differences. Those who pursue informtion from divergent points of view, cultures, religions and ideas are less inclined to become intrangient and intolerent. As has been said…not all those who wander are lost. They/we are among the adventurers and seekers and CD Creative Ventures spiritual videos emphasis commonalities that lead to transformation and enlightenment by seeking and moving beyond dogmatic, boxed-in thinking.

>Without the outer definers that divide we are more able to embrace the similarities within humankind. We all bleed the same colour.

Without the outer definers that divide we are more able to embrace the similarities within humankind. We all bleed the same colour. The energy within spirit interconnects us whether one is aware of it or not.

The energy within spirit interconnects us whether one is aware of it or not.


Bison Meat Is A Low Fat, Nutritous Source of Protein

Buffalo at sunset, Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Buffalo at sunset, Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Bison are often called the great shaggies. Thick coats and massive size give them strong consitutions.

Bison are often called the great shaggies. Thick coats and massive size give them strong consitutions.

Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy

Previously published in the Aquarian

All rights reserved

Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy

Previously published in the Aquarian

The Aquarian is a forum for shedding light on the path to personal fulfillment and the common good

This article was originally published in my column Perspectives on Healthy Living in the spring 2008 (Volume 15—Issue 1) of The Aquarian, (www.aquarianonline.com). I have Permission to post articles from The Aquarian on my blog. All rights reserved

Bison adapt well to Northern Regions. With their hardy constitutions, they do not require the hormones and antibiotics that domestic animals require to survive. That makes their meat an excellent source of low fat protein. Bison meat is making a comeback like the animals themselves. From a low of about 1000 bison in the late 1800s, herds across North America now number close to 500,000 animals. If people feel the need to eat meat, they might like to consider the health benefits of bison. I fully understand and accept the value of vegetarian diets for those whose belief systems and biology thrive with it. However, I also know that vegetarianism does not support all body types and mine is one of them.

After overcoming bulimia and anorexia in the late eighties, I researched vegetarianism and did my best to assure that my new diet provided enough protein and nutrients. However, after a year on that regime, I started to put on a flabby type of weight. Through time, my muscles became even more flaccid although I was exercising regularly.

In that period, I was working as a health consultant and hosting a talk show on cablevision called Perspectives on Balanced Living. Through my work, I met people from all lifestyles. A few of them were touting the benefits of bison meat and other wild game because they provided healthy, low fat sources of protein. Among them was naturopath Dr. George Kroeker. I became a patient of his during my vegetarian phase to consult with him about a variety of health problems. Dr. Kroeker became my mentor as well and under his guidance, I developed a greater understanding of the healing power of nature. He told me that part of Hippocratic Oath states: I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment.

He suggested that in order to re-gain strength, my diet had to include introduce animal proteins. His suggestion met with resistance. He bluntly said there were two choices…holding to a vegetarian or eat lean meat and regain my health. He was a strong advocate of bison and other game because they are nutrient-dense meats, low in fat and easier to digest. He preferred bison meat, but depending on availability, suggested venison, emu, ostrich and rabbit as other options.

I had blood sugar imbalances, and Dr. Kroeker recommended six mini-meals a day with an emphasis on lean, low-fat protein (especially bison),raw and lightly cooked vegetables, whole grains and fruit, pure water, no caffine, rest, relaxation and balance in every area of life. His to the point options were convining and I implement his recommendations.

Shortly after adding bison to my diet, I noticed an increase in energy, reduction in hypoglycemic symptoms, decrease in numbing and tingling of my hands and feet, and an overall improvement in body strength and lean muscle mass. The positive changes motivated me to research the why of what was occurring.

Bison for B12

Dr. Kroeker was ahead of his time when he pointed out what others are discovering today that some people who eliminate all meat from their diet may be at risk of developing B12 deficiencies. For example, George Newman, MD, stroke expert at a medical school and centre in Stony Brook, Long Island, discovered that hidden deficiencies are becoming more apparent as health conscious individuals hit middle age.

Dr. Newman discovered that up to 20 percent of his patients following meatless diets were developing B12 deficiencies and neurological damage. Newman claimed that red meat is among the best sources of vitamin B12 although it can also be absorbed from fish (especially salmon), chicken and supplements.

With bison’s hardy constitution, they rarely require steroids, hormones, antibiotics or animal by-products in feed. That means there are no drug residues and the meat is usually easier to digest by people with red meat intolerance. In addition, with bison having less fat and being a denser meat, people tend to eat less of it than other kinds of meat. It is important for consumers to know that, depending on the cut, bison meat cooks faster. Those who find the meat dry have overcooked it.

Cooking with Bison “There is no such thing as tough bison meat, only improperly instructed cooks.” So say the people at http://www.healthybuffalo.com. Because bison lacks the internal streaks of fat called marbling in beef it tends to cook more quickly. You can use beef recipes: just do not cook bison at as high a heat or for as long. Use about one third less time. Aim for rare to medium-rare, as the meat will continue to cook after cooking time. When cooking roasts, cook at 275 F. degrees. It is advisable to use a meat at thermometer. Check often. Crock-pot cooking with its slow, moist heat works especially well with the less tender cuts of bison. Use the low setting and let it cook until it falls apart. Marinate steaks and stewing meat for added tenderness. Here is a recipe from David Malloy, Coralie Darsey-Malloy’s husband, a bison meat enthusiast. Bison Meatballs 1 lb ground lean bison

1/2 C ground flax

1/3 C finely chopped red onion

1/2 C cheddar cheese

1 egg, beaten (or egg substitute)

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tsp salt

1 tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp oregano

Combine ingredients. Mix until well blended. Form into meatballs about the size of a large walnut. Place meatballs on a greased pan. Roast in preheated 325 F. oven for 10-15 minutes. Partially cover with lid or tin foil to prevent drying out.

Bison Built for the Cold

Leonard Chopp from L/B Bison in Vita, Manitoba, told me that the innate hardiness of bison makes them attractive to producers because they are easy to maintain. Bison are essentially wild animals and their thick coats help to protect them from harsh prairie winters. Their naturally strong immune systems keep the need for antibiotic use to a minimum. Bison thrive within the natural habitat of North American ranges and can use grasslands not suitable for cattle.

“Although bison producers were affected by the U.S. border closing due to mad cow disease a few years ago, the industry is more optimistic about the future of bison ranching.” Return of the “Great Shaggies” Leonard Chopp and I agreed that there is much to celebrate about the return of the great shaggies to North American plains. Bison have been such an integral part of our history. They sustained native populations for centuries.

When I asked Chopp whether the correct term is bison or buffalo, he said bison. What we call the North American buffalo is not a true buffalo. Its closest relative is the European bison and the Canadian woods bison not the buffalo of Asia or Africa. The words bison and buffalo are familiar descriptors for the same animals.

It was through the efforts of far-sighted conservationists that saved the bison from extinction in Europe and North America. Thanks to the diligence and perseverance of dedicated bison ranchers who are enthusiastic champions of these majestic animals, it is unlikely bison will are at risk of extinction. For more information use “Ted Turner bison meat” in a search engine to read about the media mogul’s, love affair with bison. He buys up land, enlarges herds and builds restaurants to feature bison meat. The website http://www.bisoncentral.com has five bison cookbooks for sale. Here is another resource, http://www.veganhealth.org/b12/intro details the need for Vitamin B12 and how vegans can obtain it. Whether you relate to them as a consumer, investor or producer, bison are among nature’s best and are here to stay.

Leonard Chopp is owner/operator of L/B Bison in Vita, Manitoba. Phone (204) 425-3981 (204) 425-3981. The Canadian Bison Association website link is http://www.canadianbison.ca

Before the settlers came to North America, aboriginal people understood that their relationship to bison and other animals was more than a physical one. According to Ted Andrews’s author, lecturer, teacher and student in metaphysical and spiritual fields there are many medicine powers within creatures great and small. Bison are among the great ones. In his book Animal Speak, bison are a symbol of sacred life and abundance.

Andrews describes the myth of White Buffalo woman appearing in a white buffalo robe and carrying a pipe. She showed the Lakota how all things are connected. Near the end of the story, she rolled upon the earth and became a white buffalo calf. After she disappeared, great herds of buffalo appeared around all the Indian camps. Part of her message was that bison/buffalo symbolize abundance. By learning how to unite the physical and spiritual aspects of life, abundant supply will come without struggle. By nature, bison usually follow the easiest path, Andrews writes. When we join the right action with prayer, the path is usually less challenging. The bison have massive heads, humped shoulders and an almost exaggerated appearance because of their shaggy fur. The humps are symbolic of stored reservoirs that can be tapped into and reflect that abundance is always available if we open ourselves to receiving it.

Perspectives on the Medical Model and Natural Healing

Changing times require a balanced approach to proactive problem solving.

Changing times require a balanced approach to proactive problem solving.

This article was previously published in the Western Canadian Newspaper and all rights are reserved. If you choose to copy and share please reference Coralie Raia’s Writing  Road as the original source.

By Coralie Darsey-Malloy

When you buy a pill

and buy peace with it…you get conditioned to

cheap solutions instead of deep ones.

–Max Lerner

It is becoming increasingly evident that our health care system needs healing. In the past, modern health care has been largely devoted to pathology management of sickness caused by our own “civilized living.” This contemporary model has been built upon a contagion theory of disease. Within this paradigm, a supposed return to health is pursued through a ‘fight against harmful outside influences’ and the totality of the individual is left out. Emphasis is placed on diagnosing diseases by addressing patient’s symptoms. Within this diagnostic approach, the “owner” of the body and their part in the disease process is often excluded. Looking at illness from this perspective personal power and self-responsibility is often given over to the health practitioner rather than remaining with the individual.

I have been working in the communication field since the early eighties and my focus is health and wellness. I wear many hats literally and figuratively as a freelance writer, author,  public speaker, life coach and group leader.  There are continuing advancements and greater acceptance of complimentary and preventive health.  There are increasing numbers who are seeking a more holistic approach to their health problems than settling for symptom relief.

The emerging consciousness in health and healing has a different framework for managing illness and disease. Allopathic medicine has a specific perspective and tends to approach disease as the enemy. This method creates an air of hopelessness and helplessness and asks the salient question “Why me?” As an alternative health, problems are viewed as something self-created by a lack of understanding about natural principles. It asks, “Why now, and what needs changing?” This approach is corrective, optimistic and empowering rather than antagonistic, overwhelming and fear-based.

True healing requires a multi-dimensional approach. Within new frontiers in health and healing, there is a convergence of body-mind-emotion-spirit and energy. This direction is epitomized by some new hybrid sciences with pioneers Candace Pert at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. She spearheads research in the biology of emotions. Her approach is called psycho-neuroimmuology or PNI. She specializes in researching   biological interaction within blood chemistry and the correlation with mind, emotion and beliefs influences physical health.

Whole Person Healing includes balance within the wheel of life.

Whole Person Healing includes balance within the wheel of life.

Others in this field include the Symington’s, and Dr. Bernie Siegel. They worked with cancer patients and discovered that neuron-peptides within the body are carriers of information. The concept within the biochemistry of emotions developed through studies that revealed how positive images and affirmations raised the immune system’s white blood cell count.

Studies with patients who were unwilling to accept cancer as a verdict coupled with strong determination to overcome their diagnosis had a higher survival rate that those who gave in to resignation. Pioneering doctors within the whole person healing movement have come to accept that seeming ‘miracles’ are often a direct result of the patient’s shift in consciousness. Physicians and psychological specialists report that in their experience catastrophic disease often serves as a call that patients need to examine other aspects of their life and how they had lived it prior to their illness. Those who are willing to consider the benefits of whole person healing methods provide new support for the body’s defense mechanisms. Every doctor admits that they do not heal the body…the body heals itself. The best any practitioner can hope to do is create the proper environment for that to occur.

This approach addresses root causes, lifestyle, attitude and more over masking through symptom relief.

This approach addresses root causes, lifestyle, attitude and more over masking through symptom relief.

In North American society mainstream medical practices of symptom relief and management has been at the forefront. However, it is still a relatively new modalities compared to healing systems of old. Chinese medical practices have a far greater record of success than the modern approach of treating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of disease. In ancient China, physicians were paid to keep people well. When patients became ill…all reimbursements stopped until full health was restored.

Chinese doctors work with patients to restore balance and energy to the body so it can heal itself. Their approach was and still is very holistic. They teach patients the ‘art of living’ by encouraging balanced, accountable living, moderation in all things, sound nutrition, proper breathing, positive thinking and supplements only as needed. They use acupuncture as a means of creating proper energy flows within the innate life force or ‘chi’ within the body.

Health is not a right...but a responsiblity through blanced living,

Health is not a right…but a responsiblity through blanced living,

This is a radically different approach than the ones taken in modern medicine. This term is based upon the principle of counter-action: using medicines to impede or reverse unwanted symptoms. The preventative and holistic approach to health and healing is like an umbrella that includes a variety of methods. Instead of masking symptoms and ignoring root causes it looks for deeper and inter-related connections.

With the modern approach to intervention, it is similar to seeing a red light on the dashboard of a car. The mechanic chooses to sever the connecting wire, the light goes off, and the driver carries on in blind faith that ‘symptom relief’ has fixed the problem. However, we all know what kinds of crisis that occur down the road. Using medication to mask the symptom may work for a while…but eventually the problem will come back…because it never really went away. Within this approach, there is no need for thoughtful, accountable choice making because temporary discomforts have been assuaged.

Drug Therapy Treats Symptoms Not Underlying Causes.

In Ancient China physicians were ony paid when patients remained healthy. This is radically different than the drugs for symptom relief in the medical model using perscription drugs.

In Ancient China physicians were ony paid when patients remained healthy. This is radically different than the drugs for symptom relief in the medical model using perscription drugs.

The significant difference within whole person healing is that there is a call to living a more aware, accountable life and considering the consequences of choice every step of the way. Whole person healing emphasizes restoration of balance in every area of life and a willingness to give up, alter or exchange detrimental life patterns for those that will lead to health within body, mind, spirit, emotional and energy fields. Awareness, accountability, choice and consequence are the main co-factors within new frontiers in health and healing. It is up to each of us to decide what path will lead us where we want to be. Listed below are some of the key themes within each system:


This book discusses a process of seeling sickness with drug related symptom refief over responsible self-health choices to support the body so it can heal.

This book discusses a process of seeling sickness with drug related symptom refief over responsible self-health choices to support the body so it can heal.

ADVERSARIAL: Disease process is treated by symptom relief within terms that reflect adversarial nature: “military rhetoric used to describe problem: “germ warfare, attack, fight disease, battle against, build defenses, etc.”

DISEMPOWERMENT: Treatment is based on the professional’s mind-set. Outside authorities “manage” disease. Patients are expected to follow dictates without question. “Them” versus “us” approach. Alternative or holistic approaches usually discouraged and/or rejected.

EXTERNAL CAUSALITY: Disease-orientated approach. Focus is outside the patient, Viruses, bacteria, poisons, cellular degeneration, things ‘growing’ separation of mind- body-emotions-spirit.

INTERVENTION AND SUBSTITUTION: Drug therapy, injections, treatments are geared for interrupting, altering immediate reduction of symptoms. “Cures” are approached through labeling, controlling, reducing or destroying symptoms creating the disease rather than considering contributing factors that created it.

ATAVISTIC: Considerations to lifestyle, attitude stressors, family dynamics, body, mind, emotional states are usually excluded from the cause and effect of disease and health problems and illness of any kind.

DISASSOCIATION FROM NATURAL WORLD: Disease is viewed as an assault from outward influences with little consideration given to other contributing co-factors.


Whole-Person-Healing Uses Different Applications for Health and Healing from the inside out. Co-factors influencing individual choice-making.

PROACTIVE, PLURALISTIC: Emphasis is placed upon awareness, understanding, acceptance, self-reliance, prevention, education, informed choice making, fitness, and responsibility

BEHAVIORAL, INNER DIRECTED Illness and disease are a process and inseparable from the patient. Awareness develops about the co-factors of diet, livelihood, relationships, stress, attitude, habits, beliefs and their effect of health, well-being and quality of life.

EDUCATIONAL AND EGALITARIAN: Focus on long-term results and removal of root causes. Patient and professionals work together and emphasize awareness, accountability and action. Their aim is for long-term results through whole person healing and spirit-mind-body unity.

TRANSPERSONAL: Embracing loving relationships seek unity and support from others…spiritual awareness and search for universal dimensions in life. Practitioners are receptive to the healing power of love, prayer, pets, ceremony and life-affirming belief systems.

CORRECTIVE, CO-OPERATIVE, MULTI-OPTIONED: Seeks diversity of healing modalities from doctors, patients, therapists, families, support groups as therapeutic team members that work together. Thoughts, language suggests choice, empowerment, self-responsibility, unity and positive outcomes.

ENVIRONMENTAL:  Includes the importance of clean, unpolluted air, water, food, and connection to the natural world. The fundamental premise of an environmental framework emphasizes the importance of balance and creating the environment for the body to heal. Rather than masking symptoms through artificial additives.

Using discernment and information to choose a health care team and understanding their roles.

Using discernment and information to choose a health care team and understanding their roles.

Empowered, vibrant, relilient health is possible...but it requires self-responsibility rather than masking symptoms and avoiding the root cause of disease.

Empowered, vibrant, relilient health is possible…but it requires self-responsibility rather than masking symptoms and avoiding the root cause of disease.

CD Creative Ventures on Pinterest has a variety Healthy Living Boards and here is one of them for additional ideas: