12 Ways to Feel Better with Essential Oils

Essential oils provide a wide variety of healthy, beauty, mental, emotional and physical support. They are wonderful alternatives to toxic cleaning products as well.

Essential oils provide a wide variety of healthy, beauty, mental, emotional and physical support. They are wonderful alternatives to toxic cleaning products as well.

By Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy

David and I have been using pure essential oils as a compliment to our other healthy living products. They are a cost efficient way to support the mind and body and provide clean alternatives to beauty products and household cleaners. Here are 12 quick tip pointers about a few of the benefits they provides.

Essential oils are very concentrated and many are used with carrier oils. It is important to research any company and their products to make sure they are pure oils and not combined with toxic additives. There are many reputable companies with long standing reputations for quality oils but it is up to the consumer to source them out and ask questions before using them. It is advisable to apply small test patches to eliminate allergic reactions.

1. Alleviates stress and anxiety. Bring peace and balance to your emotions without negative side effects.

2. Shield your body from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Studies find that essential oils are effective against MRSA, the methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus superbug. This bacterium has mutated so effectively that it is resistant to most antibiotics, including penicillin.

3. Experience natural pain relief when gently massaged into sore and tired muscles.

4. Potent against Inflammation. Helps alleviate inflammation that causes pain.

5. Support your body’s Immune System naturally

6. Ward off Insomnia. Lavender out performs common drugs in promoting sleep, enhancing relaxation, and decreasing anxiety, according to the 1988 International Journal of Aromatherapy. Apply a few drops topically and sprinkle on a pillowcase to promote restful sleep.

7. Rejuvenate your skin. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for restoring and improving damaged skin. Beneficial for clogged pores, eczema, acne, dry skin, freckles and stretch marks.

8. Soothe Digestive Disorders. Rub essential oils onto the abdominal area to relieve digestive upsets. Ingest a few drops of therapeutic grade essential oil in water to provide relief for heartburn, gas, indigestion, diarrhea and irritable bowel disease.

9. Support Your Bones and Muscles. 50% of our body weight is muscles and our skeleton has 206 bones. When stressed or overworked, apply to the affected area for strong skeletal and muscular support.

10. Superior Dental and Oral Care. Research has shown that oral bacteria can cause heart disease. More bacteria live on the back of the tongue than any other part of the body, and proper cleaning and flossing can do much more than protect the teeth. Essential oils in Young Living mouthwash and toothpaste help kill microbes that cause tooth decay.

11. Increase Your Mental Clarity. Exciting clinical studies are proving that the inhalation of peppermint oil daily increases students test scores by 28%. Keep your edge in the workplace by breathing Peppermint during work.

12. Provide affordable safe alternatives to household cleaners. Replace chemical cleaners with the powerful antimicrobial activities of essential oils

Essential oils are a simple, effective method to improve and enhance health and well-being.

Essential oils are a simple, effective method to improve and enhance health and well-being.

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